H3643 G1 [转到字典二转到字典三]


03643Kimham {kim-hawm'} 源自03642;; 钦定本-Chimham 4;4 金罕="他们的渴望" 阳性专有名词

1)和大卫王一起由上约旦河回耶路撒冷的人之一,可能是吉甲人巴西莱 的随从或儿子;显然大卫王将伯利恒的一块地区赐给了他,那儿后来建 立了一个寓所(撒下19:37-40) 专有名词地名
2)在怕利恒的一个寓所或住扎地,位在大卫王赐给金罕(吉甲人巴西莱的 随从或儿子)的地区(耶41:17)

03643Kimham {kim-hawm'} from 03642;; AV-Chimham 4;4 Chimham ="their longing" n pr m

1)a follower and probably a son of Barzillai the Gileadite who returned from beyond Jordan with David;apparently David bestowed on him a possession in Bethlehem on which in later times an inn was standing n pr loc
2)apparently the inn in Bethlehem located on the possession given by David to Chimham the follower or son of Barzillai the Gileadite